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Detailed guide to setting up Maven profiles to manage Spring profiles

Here's a detailed guide to setting up Maven profiles to manage Spring profiles, complete with necessary changes to your pom.xml and

Step 1: Define Maven Profiles in pom.xml

Add the following Maven profiles to your pom.xml. This configuration will allow you to switch between different profiles (dev and release) and set the dev profile to be active by default.

Step 2: Enable Resource Filtering

If you are not using spring-boot-starter-parent as the parent of your pom.xml, you need to enable resource filtering for the Resources Plugin. Add the following section to the <build> section of your pom.xml:

<directory>src/main/resources</directory> <filtering>true</filtering> 
<!-- other build configurations --> 

If you are using spring-boot-starter-parent, you can skip this step.

Step 3: Modify

In your src/main/resources/ file, add the following line:

The @activatedProperties@ placeholder will be replaced by the property value from the active Maven profile during the build process.

How It Works

When you run the Maven build with a specific profile, the Resources Plugin will replace the @activatedProperties@ placeholder in with the value from the active Maven profile.

For example:

  • If you run mvn clean install, the dev profile will be active by default, and will be set to dev.

  • If you run mvn clean install -P release, the release profile will be active, and will be set to release.

Example of Running Maven Commands

To build with the default profile (dev):

mvn clean install

To build with the release profile:

mvn clean install -P release


By following these steps, you create a dynamic link between Maven and Spring profiles. This setup enables you to switch between different configurations effortlessly, ensuring that your Spring application runs with the correct settings for each environment.

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